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Special Edition: Feather Game Changer


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Here are a few special colors of the Feather Game Changer! These are tied with some unique colors of hen feathers. Due to limited availability and quantity of feathers (less than optimal patches of feathers for building this large fly), these flies are severely limited! As in, I can only tie one or two of each color per patch of feathers that I find! The price reflects this, as they are $20 a piece as opposed to $14 for my standard colors.

Buy the set of three for $50 and you are really getting a good deal on some colors you won’t often see!


Blane Chocklett’s Game Changer is one of those modern streamers that the old-timers will definitely shake their head at in disapproval. If I were more of a purist I might agree with them! But, no one can deny the fish catching appeal of these flies. This variation, the “feather” game changer, is a little more acceptable to the pure of heart, as it is made almost entirely with hen saddle feathers. The non-feather version uses all synthetics (Chocklett’s body wrap) and can be decorated and shaped pretty much however you want. Personally, I prefer the movement of the Feather Game Changer in most situations.

Additional information

Weight .01 lbs
Dimensions .5 × .5 × .5 in

Black, Buff Laced Ginger (Tan), Black Tipped Olive, Set of all 3 Colors


50 percent profit donated to conservation